100 Years Of Popular Music: 40s Volume One
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A gal in calicoA lovely way to spend an evening
A nightingale sang in Berkeley square
All of sudden my heart sings
Almost like being in love
Anniversary waltz
As time goes by
Be my love
Blueberry hill
Coming home
Dance ballerina dance
Don't fence me in
Don't get around much anymore
Down in the glen
Ev'ry time we say goodbye
How about you
How are things in glocca morra?
How can you buy Killarney
How high the moon
I don't want to set the world on fire
I don't want to walk without you
I know why and so do you
I love you for sentimental reasons
I remember you
I, yi, yi, yi, yi like you very much
I'll be seeing you
I'll close my eyes
I'll make up for ev'rything
I'll walk alone
In the mood
It might as well be spring (state fair)
I've heard that song before
Let there be love
Lilli Marlene
Long ago (and far away)
Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
Mona Lisa
Moonlight becomes you
More I see you
My foolish heart
Near you
Now is the hour
Our love affair
Paper doll
Pistol mackin' mama
Red roses for a blue lady
Room five-hundred-and-four
Sand in my shoes
Scarlet ribbons
Sentimental journey
Taking a chance on love
That lovely weekend
That lucky old sun
That old black magic
The gipsy
The heather on the hill
The last time I saw Paris
The nearness of you
The sea (la mer)
The stars will remember
The trolley song
There goes that song again
Time after time
We'll gather lilacs
We'll keep a welcome
When you wish upon a star
Whispering grass
White cliffs of Dover
Yes my darling daughter
You'd be so nice to come home to
You'll never know
You've done something to my heart
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